Rumtse to Tso Moriri Trek

Packing List​
Cancellation Policy
7 Days

Trek Duration



14,700 ft.


165 kms


8-10 pax



The trek from Rumtse to Tso Moriri is one of the most beautiful treks in Ladakh. It takes you through the Changthang region, a high-altitude plateau that has unique landscapes and stunning lakes like Tso Kar and Tso Moriri. This region is home to the Changpa nomads with their pashmina goats and yaks. It’s an exceptional trek, but demanding because of the crossing of numerous high passes above 5000m. With lengthy walks, steep ascents and descents over passes, the Rumtse to Tso Moriri trek demands high physical fitness and one must be able to acclimatize properly to the high altitudes of Ladakh. 

The best months to visit are from June to September. The landscapes change shape from time to time with a cascade of colors that make them look like rainbow mountains. The area also hosts some of the rarest wildlife like Wild Asses, Blue Sheep, and Marmots which run around freely along with rare Snow Leopard spotting if one is lucky.

Package Inclusion

  • Airport and all road transfers
  • Meals during trek (Veg/Non-veg)
  • Off-loading of 10 kgs backpack per person
  • Tents on triple sharing basis with mattresses, sleeping bags, camping pillows and camp lights
  • Rain ponchos, trekking poles and head torches
  • Trek leaders, porters and guides
  • Passes and permits
  • Medical fitness certificates
  • Basic first-aid kit

Package Exclusion

  • Lunch before the onset of trek
  • Trekking shoes
  • Personal toiletries
  • Backpack
  • Videography, photography or any related equipment charges
  • Personal expenses
  • Anything not mentioned in the itinerary specifically



Leh (2 hrs drive) – Rumtse – Kyamar (short trek)

4 hrs
79 kms
13,945 ft

It is a nice drive from Leh to Rumtse with a beautiful view of the Indus Valley and many monasteries along the way. From Rumtse it is a short walk in rather flat terrain, which will aid acclimatization. We will camp overnight at Lush Kyamar.


Kyamar – Tisaling (enter Changthang Valley)

6-7 hrs
9 kms
15,912 ft

We begin with a gradual ascent toward our first pass, Kumur La, which gives a spectacular view of the Changthang range with its colorful rife of mountains. After the pass, we steadily descend towards the base of Mandalchan La. Here we might come across nomads with herds of sheep, goats and yaks. The nomads stay here only during summer season, while their animals can find good areas for grassing. After a short rest, we set out for our next pass, a relatively easy ascent with many fluttering prayer flags waiting to greet us on the top. From the pass it is only about 40 mins descend to the camping site and pastureland of Tisaling.


Tisaling – Ponganagu (cross Shibuk La pass)

6 hrs
10-12 kms
16,076 ft

By now we are well acclimatized to conquer our next pass, Shibuk La. From the top of the pass, we have a good view of the surrounding mountain and of our next destination Tsokar Lake. We head down towards the valley accompanied by the whistles of the shy and active marmots, characteristic of this harsh region. Its approximately 4 hours walk to Tsokar basin and our camp for the night will be there at Ponganagu.


Ponganagu – Nuruchan (cross Tso Kar lake)

4 hrs
10 kms
14,270 ft

Following a dusty jeep road towards Tso Kar Lake meaning ”white lake” called so because of the salt deposit which encrust its shores. Until recently, the Changpa nomads were harvesting salt here and trading it for other goods. Migrating birds like black necked cranes, gulls and Brahminy ducks live by the shores of the lake part of the year. Leaving Tsokar, we carry on along the trail
to the right of the lake and walk in a barren landscape until Nuruchan. Our campsite which is also a winter settlement for the nomads.


Nuruchan – Gyamar Barma (cross Tibetan Nomads)

4-5 hrs
8 kms
16,896 ft

At early morning hours we will cross the icy cold stream by Nuruchan, before gradually ascending Horlam Kongka La from the pass, we will have a good view of the turquoise blue Tsokar. After an easy 40 mins walk down to the Rajung Karu, we will encounter several Tibetan nomad families of western Tibetan origin with their flock of yaks, sheep and pashmina goats. When the Chinese invaded Tibet, the nomads and their animals faced numerous hardship, fighting biting cold and losing many lives while fleeing into Ladakh from Tibet.


Gyamar Barma – Gyamar (cross Kartse La pass)

3-4 hrs
9-10 kms
17,388 ft

After a heartly breakfast, we head towards our next pass Kartse La. We will take our time to reach the pass ascending slowly in the thin air of the high altitude plateau. After a short break we descend gradually down to the lush green valley of Gyamar to spend the night.


Gyamar – Tso Moriri – Korzok

6-7 hrs
15 kms
17,880 ft

Yalung Nyau La is the highest and final pass on our trek. From the top of the pass, the sapphire blue fresh water lake of Tso Moriri lake will shine like a jewel in this brown, barren landscape. Along the way, it is possible to see and smell some of the rare flower and herbs of the Himalayan region. Descending steeply for a couple hours to Korzok Phu, we will again encounter the summer pasture of the Korzok people. From here we continue to our final destination. The village of Korzok, overlooking Tso Moriri and inhabited by a small permanent settlement of Changpa nomads at an altitude of 4572m it is one of the Indias highest permanent village. The monastery at korzo k is also very old, being built 500 years ago and lying on the trading route between Spiti and Ladakh it was visited by most of the early explorers.


Korzok (drive back) – Leh

6-7 hrs
210 kms
11,482 ft

We drive back to Leh, crossing the dusty plains of Rupsho before entering the Indus valley. En route stop at Chumathang hot spring water and at last arrive back to Leh.

Packing List

Clients may required to bring a list of essentials for a 3-5 days group camping activity as per season.

Why Us?

We practice sustainable and responsible tourism. Opting Zabarwan Adventures lets you feel proud about leaving a positive impact on the environment, society and the economy of Kashmir. 

We are safe. Our handpicked professionals come from the valley itself and ensure that your trip is truly inspiring, a huge amount of fun and frolic while ensuring safety. We ensure a smooth experience with all paperwork and permits already pre-arranged.

We are locals. Aware of every unseen and breathtaking sights in Kashmir, our team will ensure that you see much more than what has been on your social media feed about Kashmir, so far!

Cancellation Policy

Unless stated otherwise in the travel program or trek itinerary, if the Consumer terminates a travel arrangement he/she already paid for, Zabarwan Adventures shall be entitled to retain the following amounts of the total cost of the travel arrangement:
  1. Cancellations up to 30 days prior to departure date – 30% deduction
  2. Between 30 days to 15 days prior to departure – 50% deduction
  3. Less than 15 days of departure – No Cash Refund